Jonathan Hays

Seven Secret Benefits of Remote Work Revealed!

Companies that embrace remote teams can reap numerous benefits: employee engagement drastically improves, employee retention increases, and the available talent pool grows immensely when not tied to a single geographical location.

There are many benefits to remote employees as well. Some are obvious, but some are not so obvious. Below are seven benefits to remote employees that you may not know!

  1. Your compost and garbage bins will be emptier. When your home refrigerator is your work refrigerator, leftovers don't spoil nearly as often which means less going into your waste bins.
  2. Streaming movies will load more quickly and stutter less. The high-speed Internet you need for your video conferencing just so happens to also help your Netflix streaming in the evenings.
  3. You will help fight piracy. There is a special place in hell for porch pirates (people that steal holiday gifts from people's doorsteps.) During the holidays you will feel so much better knowing that you will definitely be home when UPS knocks on the door to deliver packages.
  4. You will be prepared when fashion styles from the previous decade come back in vogue. Because you don't have to keep re-investing in clothing for meetings or to impress co-workers, your wardrobe will last quite a bit longer. Eventually, that neon shirt that you wear on days when you don't have a video conference call will suddenly be chic.
  5. You will save immense amounts of money on personal hygiene products. Getting low on razors? You can push that stubble a little longer. Running out of foundation? No video calls today so no problem. Did you forget to get deodorant the last time you were at the store? Nobody can smell you on a conference call!
  6. If you have children, their grades will go up. Because you are consistently available to chaperone events at school, you will develop a rapport with your children's teachers which will inevitably lead to more lenient grading and better engagement at school
  7. You will improve national security. If you don't have a commute, you're not burning fossil fuels trying to get to work which means your country will be less reliant on foreign oil reserves.