Jonathan Hays


Authenticity is difficult online and it’s incredibly difficult in an About screen. It’s doubtful much can meaningfully be revealed in these paragraphs, but I’ll try nonetheless:

If you don’t know me and are trying to figure out who I am based on this web page, you should know that I love people, I love technology, and I love combining them together. My favorite thing to do is to bring a team together with a common goal and to enable them to create something amazing.

If you’re reading this and we haven’t met, feel free to send me an invitation to connect. I’d love to meet and find out about you and what you do. I’d love to see if we can do something together or if there’s someone I can connect you with that can help you with your journey.

If you want to learn a little bit more about me, here are some links to my various places on the Internet:

My annual reading lists: